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Skating Starts Here!


Having taught millions the skills needed to achieve their recreational and competitive dreams on the ice, Skate Canada's CanSkate is the best learn-to-skate program in Canada. Period.


Designed for beginners of all ages—including children, adults, and athletes with disabilities (AWAD)—CanSkate helps you improve basic skating skills for figure skating, hockey, ringette, or speed skating, while promoting fitness and fun.


We work with a nationally tested curriculum that focuses on balance, control, and agility while empowering skaters to hone essential skills, in a safe and friendly environment.


Why Choose CanSkate at Oak Bay?


  • 45 minute sessions 

  • Skaters use the whole ice every session, not just a small portion

  • Skaters continuously move around the ice learning new skills and practicing acquired skills.

  • Taught by nationally accredited NCCP Coaches. In fact most CanSkate sessions at Oak Bay are taught by our Director of Skating - Kirsten, 2 Regional Coaches, and 4 Canskate Coaches.  That is 7 coaches per session! This guarantees your skater is taught by highly trained coaches

  • In addition to the Coaches, there are numerous high level skaters who volunteer as Program Assistants who assist the coaches and skaters.  

  • Skaters pass levels as they are ready.  There is no waiting for the end of a session to move up levels

  • CanSkate is based on Sport Canada's long term athlete development (LTAD) principles.

  • While we recomend having your own skates, skate rentals are available



On-going pro-rated registration.  To register simply click here â€‹â€‹to register go to our registration page.  You won't regret it!


Jan 4 - April 26

Tuesdays 5:30-6:15pm (FULL - Taking Waitlist)

Saturdays 12:00-12:45pm (Limited Spaces Available)


Looking ahead to summer?  We will have half-day camps that utilize the FUNdamentals of CanSkate to teach your skaters and help them have a fun summer!



Adults and Teens 13+

You can register in our CanSkate Program or our Adult Learn to Skate Lessons


Jan 4 - April 26

Saturdays 11:00-11:45am

Fridays 5:00-5:45pm​




For more information email



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