Parent Code of Conduct
The Oak Bay Figure Skating Club is committed to providing members with the opportunity to develop and pursue their goals in a safe and encouraging environment. In this code “parents” shall refer to parents, extended family members, and guardians of OBFSC skaters. Parents are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner consistent with the values of fair play, integrity, open communication and mutual respect. Parents shall always model positive responsible behaviour and communicate with their child that they expect them to do the same. Failure to comply with the Parent Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action up to and including revocation of membership.
Parents shall adhere to the policies, procedures, rules, standards, and ethics of the OBFSC and Skate Canada at all times. (See link to the Skate Canada Code of Ethics under Club Policies section.)
Parents must treat all individuals and property with dignity, courtesy, and respect, including skaters, fellow parents, coaches, and volunteers.
Parents shall refrain from any behaviour or comments which are profane, insulting, harassing, sexist, racist, abusive, disrespectful or otherwise offensive.
For insurance reasons, parents are not permitted on the ice surface.
Coaches are not to be disturbed during lessons.
No parents coaching at rink side.
Subject to current health and safety guidelines as may be communicated from time to time, during CanSkate sessions a parent, guardian or designate should remain in the arena for the entire session (until the child reaches 8 years of age), unless a designated parent has been assigned/contact information left with Coach.
Parents shall ensure their child wears proper skating clothing and equipment.
Parents will refrain from recording a child that is not their own unless they have consent from the child’s parent.
Concerns or complaints may be submitted in writing to the OBFSC Board and will be reviewed by the Executive of the Board. See Club Policies section for link to BC/YK Section dispute mediation procedures.